ARCS, Books, and Contests!

June 15, 2014

So yes, Mortal Heart ARCs are making there way out into the world and I’m blithely pretending that they’re not. :: la la la la la la:: But the fact that they are does prompt me to post my annual reminder that please, if you are lucky enough to get an ARC, pleasepleaseplease do your […]

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Surviving Nearly There

May 16, 2014

(I’m mirroring last Friday’s post from Writer Unboxed over here because WU has been intermittently down since then. Huge apologies for those of you who’ve been trying to find it!) One of the hardest stages of your writing journey—one that will take the most dedication, commitment, and self exploration—is the ‘nearly there’ stage. This is […]

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Mortal Heart Cover Fun!

March 18, 2014

For those of you who don’t know, the brilliant Kristen over at MyFriendsAreFiction does fabulous Lego recreations of YA covers. For her latest, she’s done one of Mortal Heart!       It is hard to say just how much I love this! Look at all the detail they went to! It even has a […]

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Mortal Heart Cover!

March 16, 2014

For those of you who didn’t catch the Mortal Heart cover reveal a couple of weeks ago, here it is!   Annith has watched her gifted sisters at the convent come and go, carrying out their dark dealings in the name of St. Mortain, patiently awaiting her own turn to serve Death. But her worst […]

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Mortal Heart Update

February 9, 2014

So first of all, so sorry to have disappeared for so very long. Writing Mortal Heart in thirteen months is probably the single hardest writing thing I have ever done. Sadly, it required me to withdraw from just about every other thing in my life, including socializing (whether through social media or in real life) […]

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A Beast and A Monster: The Fairy Tale Influences of DARK TRIUMPH

August 13, 2013

While Dark Triumph is not a true retelling, it does contain echoes of at least two of my favorite fairy tales: “Beauty and the Beast” and “Bluebeard.” I suppose it’s inevitable to be influenced by “Beauty and the Beast” when one has a hero named Beast. I was drawn to his character in the first […]

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On Rivers and Jackhammers

June 24, 2013

I have spent the last two weeks essentially taking a jackhammer to the 1st and 2nd acts of Book Three, trying to not only delete the words I’ve already written, but to erase the wagon ruts those words have created in my mind so I can envision new ones. Which is why, for me, it […]

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One Last Event!

June 17, 2013

I wanted to let you all know I’ll be sneaking in one last event this summer before I remove myself to my writing cave for the duration of Book Three. The coolest part about this event? It will be a joint event WITH LEIGH BARDUGO!! Actually, I will mostly just be serving as her adoring […]

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Finding Our Writerly DNA

June 14, 2013

I’m blogging over on Writer Unboxed today and talking about the benefits of identifying our writerly DNA.   When I deeply love a book as an adult it’s usually because it has managed to rock my world in such a way that I know  it has permanently changed how I look at and approach the […]

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Hello Hello!

May 29, 2013

Hello! I have been a terrible blogger and all around communicator for the last few months. Well, honestly, ever since this new site launched I have been utterly consumed with writing the books, touring, and all around PUBLISHING STUFF and have been very lax about updating things here. Well, that is all about to change! […]

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